A Father learns A Lesson from His Son.

This Short Story A Father takes in A Lesson from His Son is very intriguing to every one of the general population. Appreciate perusing this story. 
Velan was a woodworker. He was living in a town. His mom passes on quite a while back. His matured dad, Kuppan, lived with Velan. Kuppan was exceptionally powerless. He couldn't walk well. He was so frail. It was on the grounds that Velan did not give him enough nourishment. He had given his dad a little earthen plate. Indeed, even a little amount of rice in the plate gave off an impression of being much. Velan was a terrible man. He was a boozer too. Subsequent to taking beverages, he manhandled his dad seriously. 
Velan had a child. His name is Muthu. Muthu was only ten years of age. He was a generally amazing kid. He cherished his granddad. He had extraordinary regard for his granddad. He didn't care for his dad's frame of mind and character, since his dad was treating his granddad barbarously. 
One day Kuppan was eating his sustenance out of earthen plate that his child had given to him. The earthen plate tumbled down. The plate broke into pieces. The sustenance likewise fell on the floor. Velan was working at the opposite end of the room. He saw the broken plate. He was exceptionally furious with his dad and utilized brutal words to manhandle his dad. The elderly person felt awful about what occurred. He was upset for his misstep. Velan's words injured him in all respects profoundly. 
Velan's child, Muthu, saw this. He didn't care for his dad. His dad was abusing his granddad. He was hesitant to denounce his dad. He was pitiful about his granddad. In any case, he was not incredible to remain in help of his granddad. 
The following day Muthu took a portion of his dad's carpentry devices and a bit of wood. He worked with the devices to make a wooden plate. His dad saw him working. 

"What are you making, Muthu?" he inquired. 
"I am making a wooden plate!" answered Muthu. 
"A wooden plate! What for?" asked his dad.

"I am making it for you, father. When you develop old, similar to my granddad, you will require a plate for sustenance. A plate produced using earth tangle break all around effectively. At that point I may chide you harshly. 

In this way, I need to give you a wooden plate. It may not break so effectively." 
The craftsman was stunned to hear this. Just now he understood his mix-up. His dad was benevolent to Velan He had cared for Velan great. Presently, he was old. Velan was treating his dad harshly. Velan was currently pitiful about his very own conduct. He understood his mix-ups. He at that point turned into an alternate individual. 
From that day, Velan treated his dad with extraordinary regard. He quit any pretense of drinking as well. Velan took in an exercise from his very own child. 
You should respect your folks consistently. It is your obligation. It presents to you their endowments.