100 Percent Love - A Moral Short Story.By Tech Stud.


A kid and a young lady were playing together. The kid had a gathering of marbles. The young lady has a few desserts with her. The kid told the young lady that he would give her everything his marbles in return for the desserts with her. The young lady concurred.

The kid kept the most delightful and the greatest marbles with him and gave her the rest of the marbles. The young lady gave him every one of her desserts as she guaranteed. That night the young lady rested calmly. Be that as it may, the kid couldn't rest as he continued thinking about whether the young lady has concealed a few desserts from him the manner in which he had concealed the best marbles from her.

Moral of the Story.

If you do not give 100 percent in a relationship, you will always kept doubting if the other person has given her / his hundred percent. This is applicable for any relationship like love, employee – employer, friendship, family, countries, etc… 

A Film Is also Created on 100 perceent Love.