A Carrot An Egg and The Coffee-Beans.

A young lady went to her mom and educated her regarding her life and how things were so difficult for her. She didn't have the foggiest idea how she was going to make it and needed to surrender. She was burnt out on battling and battling. It appeared that, as one issue was tackled, another one emerged. Her mom took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and set each on a high flame. Before long the pots reached boiling point. In the principal, she put carrots, in the second she put eggs and in the last she put ground espresso beans. She let them sit and bubble without saying a word. In around twenty minutes, she killed the burners. She angled the carrots out and set them in a bowl. She hauled the eggs out and put them in a bowl. At that point she scooped the espresso out and put it in a bowl. 
Swinging to her girl, she asked, "Let me know, what do you see?" 
"Carrots, eggs, and espresso," the young lady answered. 
The other conveyed her closer and requested that her vibe the carrots. She did and noticed that they were delicate. 
She at that point requested that her enjoy an egg and reprieve it. In the wake of pulling off the shell, she watched the hard-bubbled egg. At last, she requested that her taste the espresso. The girl grinned as she tasted its rich fragrance. 
The girl at that point asked, "I don't get it's meaning, mother?" 
Her mom clarified that every one of these items had confronted a similar misfortune - bubbling water - yet each responded in an unexpected way. The carrot went in solid, hard and tenacious. Be that as it may, subsequent to being exposed to the bubbling water, it mellowed and wound up feeble. 
The egg had been delicate. Its dainty external shell had ensured its fluid inside. In any case, in the wake of sitting through the bubbling water, its inside ended up solidified! The ground espresso beans were special, nonetheless. After they were in the bubbling water, they had changed the water. 
"Which are you?" the mother asked her little girl. 
"When affliction thumps on your entryway, how would you react? Are you a carrot, an egg, or an espresso bean?" Think of this. Which am I? Am I the carrot that appears to be solid in any case, with torment and misfortune, do I shrivel and become delicate and lose my quality?
Am I the egg that begins with a flexible 
heart, however changes with the warmth? Did I have a liquid soul at the same time, after a passing, a separation or a money related hardship, does my shell appear to be identical, yet within am I unpleasant and intense with a firm soul and a solidified heart? Or then again am I like the espresso bean? The bean really changes the boiling water, the very situation that brings the torment. 
At the point when the water gets hot, it discharges the aroma and flavor. In the event that you resemble the bean, when things are at the very least, you show signs of improvement and change the circumstance around you. 
When the hours are the darkest and preliminaries are their most prominent, do you hoist to another dimension? How would you handle misfortune? Is it true that you are a carrot, an egg or an espresso bean?